Monday, March 24, 2008

Voice of Russia QSL

I sent away for a QSL from voice of Russia. I got the ST Petersburg one which is a repeat but that is ok. I also got a 1008 calender which is neat. They are pictures above. I always appreciate QSL's and the work that goes into them. The stations don't have to do this this but it is appreciated at least by me. Hopefully I can get into a routine of putting my favorites up here. I have been not very good at getting into a routine of blogging from my shack. I think that will always be a bane of mine.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have been suffering from discractitis. I have been meaning to add something really good to the blog but I have been distracted. I have been meaning to do some more QSL's but I been distracted. this is not limited to dxing but can affect my listening just like it can affect anything else in life. I have been toying with doing a post at a certain time every week just so this blog can have something new on a regular basis but have been fighting it because I amy or may not having anything to say at that time. However, getting something to write and the time to write to come together has been escaping me for a while. I should not be complaining too much, reception is getting better and I have been doing some listening. Maybe it is time just to do and worry about how it all works out later.Easter is this week so maybe after that distraction is over, I can get things on a scedule and go for it.I will endeavor ot do better.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Reception Report

I am starting to get encouraged. I was listening to WBCQ last night on the short wave and getting the best reception I have gotten for a while. I have also noticed that VOR has also been getting stronger. It is weird, for the first time that I can remember, I am looking forward to summer and getting better reception. I am getting the feeling that the solar minimum is the cause and that there is not enough of the solar influence going onto get a good signal through and the longer summer days wills actually be helping. I might be totally off and if someone in the know can correct, please leave a comment. Heck, if someone in the know can help with this speculation in any way, then leave a comment. All I know is tha I think it is weird that we are going into spring and the reception is getting better. Winter is traditional been the best listening and that is not holding at my shack right now. Even some of the medium wave dxing I have been doing has been weird. We will see how it goes, I am definately waiting for better listening.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Shortwave listening has not been that stellar lately. This week I realize how much I had been in withdrawal from some of my favorite shows. I went looking for the mp3 equivalents and found them. Sucked through a bunch of them. I have been using the mp3 player to supplement my listening and realizing how great of a tool it it. It is nice to have some of the programs on mp3 so I don't always have to make the choice between shows or another activity and listening. I try to keep it balanced but so much of life seams to either have nothing going or have two or things slotted for the same time. This at least takes some of the pressure of. There is no getting it all. At least I am listening to the theme to Zorba the Greek from am 740 in Toronto while doing this blog. The weird thing is I have it on the radio in the bedroom and on the computer in the living room. Duel feed, no waiting.

Ok my head head just exploded. Zorba the Greek theme was done by Herb albert and the Tia wana Brass.