Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When Dxer and Gps Enthusiast Combine

When I am not turning the dials of my radios, I am often out playing with my gpsr. One website I use is . It's basically using a digital camera and gpsr to log places of interest. They are organized by categories. There are two categories focused on radios. One is for amateur radio relays and the other is for am/fm radio stations. I rather like these categories so I can figure out how close what i am listening to is. There is plenty that has not been logged but they have started on it.

There is also a category for blogs which this blog is listed. As a small inside joke, I placed the coordinates of this blog as the same as a waymark for a local radio station.

This post is not 100% on topic today but it ties in. Just another way of enjoying both of my hobbies. Wishing you good listening on this Halloween day.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Marion's Attic

Marion's Attic is on WBCQ at 9PM Eastern (7415 KHZ). It's focus is music found on old records of various formats. Some of the music is really good and some of it is definitely different but always entertaining. The focus is on the old records and not the style of music but musical themes are used on the show. It may not become a regular of your listening time but it is worth checking out. It has several ways to be heard so you might want to check their website out to see what works out best for you.

One of my biases for listening to the radio is a music program with music I like. Just dropping this in so you can judge where I am coming in from.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Big Band Jump

Big Band Jump is hosted by Don Kennedy and heard locally by me on WAWK - the Hawk (1140KHZ). As the name suggests, it is big band and swing. Well done show especially if you like that style of music. It does have a website and if you want to hear it, check out their website and see if there is a station near you that carries it. They also have a feed online that you can hear it on. I suppose you can also hear it on the live stream of any station that carries it via their website. I love hearing things via radio but the internet offers so many options that you can not ignore it.

Friday, October 26, 2007


CHWO is a great station. Plays great music. They play anything from swing and big band to rockabilly and do whop. It's a taste of nostalgia radio. They also do comedy routines and radio shows when the golden age of radio. The best thing and nestet for me is that the station is in Toronto and I can hear it clearly at night here in North East Indiana. On the right night it has a SINPO rating of all 5's and sounds better than some local channels. The Ontario DX Association does QSL cards for the station. Or least they use to. I sound check into that. Look for and update on this in further blog posts.

Monday, October 22, 2007

WAWk going for more hours

WAWK-the hawk is gyoing through applying for more hours from the FCC. I hope they make it. They are one of my favorite most stations. I just hope it doesn't change their flavor. It probably won't but change can spawn change. It must be the FCC review time because I heard that a station In Indy is also looking to changing their hours and strength of signal. Sometimes i wish I knew mopre of the techniclas so I nknew the processs. Yes, I am a radio geek. Thanks for noticing.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Opeinng Night Blues

The Komets opening night game was last night. I was amused that the pregame show and festivities were missed. They had some technical problems and from about 730 to the face off at 8 they were doing a combination of dead air, ads and cutting to a talk show. This stuff happens all the time and more than just WOWO.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Off the Hook

one of the shows I listen to on shortwave is Off the Hook on WBCQ. It is on 7515 khz at 7pm. The focus is on technology, hacking and privacy issues that come from the use of technology. It's entertaining and informative but sometimes I wonder if what they are concerned about is that big a deal. I will concede that privacy issues are a slippery slope and can get abused easily. Listen to the show and maek your own conculsions.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Midnight Freak Show

I don't always sleep through the night so I turn the radio on and listen to Coast to Coast AM . What a hoot. I horror fiction so I listen but I can't it serious. Stories of ghosties and ghoulies and wee small beasties. There is also the ufo, conspiracy and survivalist contingent. I am amused for a whil and go back to sleep.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Power Up The Tranmitters

I am a dxer who likes to listen to fm,sw, mw, and police scanner. I am not that knowledgeable about the technicals but I willl share my listening experiences. I have been toying with getting my ham license but that has not been serious so far. Time will tell. Herw's to some good listening.