Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When Dxer and Gps Enthusiast Combine

When I am not turning the dials of my radios, I am often out playing with my gpsr. One website I use is . It's basically using a digital camera and gpsr to log places of interest. They are organized by categories. There are two categories focused on radios. One is for amateur radio relays and the other is for am/fm radio stations. I rather like these categories so I can figure out how close what i am listening to is. There is plenty that has not been logged but they have started on it.

There is also a category for blogs which this blog is listed. As a small inside joke, I placed the coordinates of this blog as the same as a waymark for a local radio station.

This post is not 100% on topic today but it ties in. Just another way of enjoying both of my hobbies. Wishing you good listening on this Halloween day.

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