Monday, February 11, 2008

Reception Report

I have still trying to scan the shortwave bands. WBCQ is coming in marginally better but still an inconsistent listen. I got tot hear the Voice of Russia in English but on a frequency unexpected to me. Even CHCO out of Toronto (740 KHZ) has been less than the stellar blow torch I have gotten use to. It has not all been a bummer lately. i have been enjoying listening to the local minor hockey team on local weather. I have also been purposely listening to my police scanner and weather radio. The flooding has been unreal. I have seen water levels higher than the normal flooding I see in spring. It is scary when you hear that people are being evacuated by boat and there is 4 foot of water across the road. It turned really cold and it looks like they had to chip the ice off the road. At least the water is going down now. Hopefully the water can recede before we get the rest of the spring rains.

I have also been taking this low reception time to listen to some podcasts. I never konw If I should call then podcasts since I am not using an Ipod. I have been listening to mp3 files on my mp3 player. If one mode of reception is not there, I will use another. The shack will not be denied.

Until later, 73's.

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