Saturday, July 19, 2008

WAWK Scheduling of Broadcasts

This week has reminded mer on how WAWK's broadcasting changes with the seasons. This is the Week of the Noble County Fair and is the only week where they have live programming for the full week in the evening. It is usually prerecorded music. Before I go further, i should also say they are a daytime only AM station. Usually their only live evening programs are on the weekend. This is also not true for the year for during winter they usually sign off about 5 or 5:30 PM. This usually means that the prerecorded stuff is also gone during the winter. You can usually tell if it is prerecorded by the way they sign the station off. If, it is a live broadcast, they say say they are going off and play the national anthem. If it is on auto pilot, it justs goes off the air and a lot of times, it does so in the middle of a song. Makes for some interesting listening sometimes.

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