Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Band Sweep

I have been thinking about an idea for a while and don't have it totally gelled in my mind yet. I was thinking about reporting into the blog with the stations and programs I have been hearing. I have been doing this sort of for a while but I was thinking of making it more a feature. I do not know what form it will be in or how regular but I will see how it will unfold. If anyone reading this has any ideas of what would be interesting or helpful, please leave a comment on the blog. Yes, I moderate the comments on this blog but I have not turned down a comment yet but I reserve the right to. I won't make any promises about using any suggestions other than I will think them over.

So far I was thinking of making this feature an online log of all the shows and station I have heard with all the times and frequencies I can get. I will get websites if I can. It probably wqon't be weekly be hopefully more than monthly. We shall see what comes of this.

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