Sunday, December 7, 2008

Band Sweep

I have been do a little listening over the last week. Mostly WAWK and WOWO. Over the past weekend I was listening to WOWO to get the Komets hockey game and I was also listening to my police scanner. You would not beleive all the accidents due to the snow. It was not a horrid snow but still hard enough that I would not blame people for wanting to stay home. People were getting into accidents that you could tell were caused by the fact that people had forgotten how to drive in snow and were driving as if the roads were dry and fine. I would laugh if it were not so serious. Do me and yourself a favor. Drive careful out there. I don't want to think you are a dumb donkey for forgetting how to drive in snow and I don't want to hear about it on the scanner so stay safe and slow down.

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