Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Indiana State of the State Speech

This is a blog post I am doing while watching Indiana Governor Mitch Daniel's State of the State Speech.
Highlights of what I heard is:

1) No tax Increased.
2)Better use of school money.
3) More and better discipline in school. "It's time to tell the students to sit down and hush up.""To the lawyers "Shut up!"
4) This time of economic leanness is a great time to get innovative.
5) Encourage the constitutional capping of property taxes.
6) It is time to streamline Indiana government on every level.
7)Encouraged helping those who need it.
8) time to separate the whiners from the winners.

I hope he meant what he said because I pretty much agreed with him and I am glad I voted for him. I just hope the Governor and the rest of the Indiana government do well during this economically crappy time.

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