Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Band Sweep Report

I have not been listening to the radios as much as i usually. I have been drawn a way a bit listening to podcasts and getting drawn away by the hockey season. Propagation has not been helping either but it has shown a few signs of improving. Hopefully scheduling and the propagation gods will smile and that will be rectified. I know this sounds like the same old complaints I usually give but there it is.

I have been listening to the police scanner a bit more religiously lately. It is spring storm and flooding season in my area and I like to try to keep on what is going on out there. It is this time of year that I start sticking to the more main roads and the higher ground just so I don't swamp the car in water in the lower areas of the road. I know from experience where those spots are but listening in helps me know about the truly more weird stuff that goes on. Information is power.

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