Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Complex Variables Radio

I am listening to Area 51 on WBCQ. I am doing it via Internet rather than radio but then again I have never had good luck with their Area 51 frequency. I am so glad tuned in tonight. Complex variable Studios is on and I miss that show. I also miss Tasha Pemkin. I hope I spelled her name right. Tasha and her shows were one reason I got turned on to WBCQ. i understand life changes and life moves on but wish she was still doing shows. Thank goodness for area 51 so I could hear her tonight. Guess I am going to be checking it out online more.

If I can get onto a second point related point. I have been trying out the program Rythem Box as part of me adding Ubuntu/Linux to my radio shack. It seams to work pretty well for being an audio feed. I prefer listening via radio ways but I will take my feeds as I take them. Thanks to me trying this out, I have added Area 51 to the list of my favorites and that is how I am listening right now.

Power to the Penguin for the win.

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