Saturday, April 10, 2010

Random Post

I have not been posting for a while but hey, life gets in the way. I have som enews from these parts on the rf front. First of all, WAWK, the local daytime only AM station has picked up a FM station so they can go 24/7. I am happy about this since they are an excellent station with local flavor. I just hope they do not go corporate. I am not against comercial radio since they have to pay the bills somehow but I do not care for corporate radio that sounds the same no matter where you go. WAWK may not always be the most polished station but they do handle local information and entertainment and the needs of the community much better than any station that follows some corporate formulam into service for success. I will get off my soapbox for now but there it is.

The other piece of news is that my wife and I have been doing some cleaning around the house. I have found some of my old radios I have not used for a while. I think it is time to press them into service. It remains to see what will come of my use of them. Hopefully, this mean si will be getting into the hobby more and maybe, just maybe I will be posting tp this blog more. Time will tell.

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