Saturday, August 30, 2008

WOWO Blunder

WOWO radio in Fort Wayne is the local news and talk station. One would expect that a news and talk station would air Barrack Obama's acceptance speech for becoming the Democrat candidate. You would be sorrily wrong. Instead, they aired a preseason game and post game show of the Indianapolis Colts. I realize that football is important to a lot of people but I think do election coverage is a bit more important and there was other outlets for the speech in the Fort Wayne area. The problem being that they are still a news station and that was more important than sports coverage. Maybe I should shut up and just follow the dollars. WOWO seams to.

PS I am not an Obama supporter and I still wanted to hear what he has to say. I want to be an informed voter and WOWO failed the process.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Radio Sweden QSL and Schedule

This is a Radio Sweden QSL and schedule I got in June of this year. They have interesting programing for which I am glad they are still doing and wish I could listen to more often. There will always be a competition for time and I will always be short on the things I want to listen to.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ontario DX Association

Ontario DX Association is a neat dx group that has their own website and also manages reception reports and QSL's for a couple of stations. One of them is for 740 AM out of Toronto. Earlier this year they had a special QSL that I did a couple on posts on. Check out their site and see what they have to help out your listening pleasure.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Theatre of the Mind

Am 740 out o f Toronto has a show on nightly at 10 PM Eastern time called Theater of the Mind. It is the playing of old radio shows and is interesting to see how these shows reflect the times they were aired. They are entertaining on their own merit but the dated quality of the content is interesting. It is on the air Monday through Thursday. Check it out if you can.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lost Disc Radio Show

The Lost Disc Radio Show is a show on WBCQ on Saturday Night's at 10 PM EST. (0200 UTC Sunday UTC). It is a music show with obscure and b side songs that should have remained lost. The only catch is most of the songs are so bad that they are good. It is a fun show that I wish I could hear more often than I tune in. I guess that is my constant challenge is to get the time to listen as I want. Oh well. Tuene this show in and check out their website.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Friends Radio QSL

This was an unusual QSL. Instead of being roughly postcard sized, it was an 8 &1/2 by 11 certificate. It took be by surprised but then again that is not always a bad thing. I listen to shortwave nto get away from the usual. But then again , when does the unusual become the usual?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Been Listening Lately

I have been on the go lately. I went to the Midwest Geobash. They have had a low power transmitter to do on on site radio station in the past. They did not this year.

I was also visiting some friends in Lebanon, Indiana, I got to hear WBCQ our of Maine and 740 out of Toronto. It is nice to hear stations that seam like old friends while out on the road. They both came in from fair to good and it seams like reception is getting better. I heard one report that solar activity is on its way better and we should be seeing an upturn in better reception this fall. I really hope so. It has been sucky for a while.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mation's Attic

Marion's Attic is a show I listen to on WBCQ although it can be heard on skybird radio. It focuses on old recordings from the 1890's to the 1930's. It is an interesting shortwave show and it also has it's own website to find out more about them. Tuen them in and enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

NHK Website

NHK's website is the website for Japan's shortwave station. It has news, podcasts, shortwave schedules and lessons to learn Japanese on it. Good place to get information on Japan and learn the when and where of how to listen to Radio Japan. Tune on in.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Whew, Odxa will be still doing QSLs for am 740. Check with themn for details.

CHWO changing call letters

It sounds like CHWO AM 740 out of Toronto is changing its call letters. There is some scuttle butt there is going to be some big changes at the station as well. WE will see. I don't have much information so far.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lost Disc Radio QSL

This is the latest of th4e Lost Disc Radio QSLs I have received.