Friday, October 26, 2007


CHWO is a great station. Plays great music. They play anything from swing and big band to rockabilly and do whop. It's a taste of nostalgia radio. They also do comedy routines and radio shows when the golden age of radio. The best thing and nestet for me is that the station is in Toronto and I can hear it clearly at night here in North East Indiana. On the right night it has a SINPO rating of all 5's and sounds better than some local channels. The Ontario DX Association does QSL cards for the station. Or least they use to. I sound check into that. Look for and update on this in further blog posts.


triacus said...

Hey Captain. My name is Brian Smith and I look after the reception reports for CHWO. I am also the director of the ODXA. We still issue QSL reports and plan to issue a special QSL for the upcoming anniversary of CHWO. I'll try and pass some info to you shortly. You can get more details on reception reports to CHWO at:

triacus said...

Hi Captina. Just a reminder that the second reception report is coming up for January 8th. Thanks for all your help in posting this information.
