Tuesday, December 30, 2008
HF Undereground
One more website about pirates. I am getting in a rut I think but hey, it has some good info. Check it out here.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ice Storm
We are getting freezing rain tonight and it is not a surprise that my police scanner is picking up plenty of action. It is interesting to listen to and sure makes me glad tha tI did not have to go anywhere tonight. I hope all keep safe tonight.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Band Sweep- Weather Edition
This band sweep is more focused than most because of horrid weather we are getting in the Midwest. I have been listening to my weather radio a lot more this weekend. The Website for NOAA is here. The two weather radio stations I here most are WXJ58 out of Fort Wayne which is channle 7 on a weather radio or a frequency of 162.55 and the other is KXI94 out of Angola which is on weather channel 2 or a frequency of 162.425. I bounce between these two a lot because we are just about in the middle of these two stations and depending on how the weather is tracking, one station may be more accurate for us than the other. This is especially true when storms and bad weather is coming through. Five or ten miles can make a big difference in the weather you get sometimes. It was true this weeekend when you look at how the damage was done from the ice storm. From what little I saw, Fort Wayne and Allen County was hit harder than Garrett and DeKalb County.
Sorry if I have been sounding like a PSA and trying to sell weather radios. Weather Radios are safety equipment that I find is a neccessary thing. The State of Indiana seams to agree with me. Check this link out. I am not one for a lot of regulation but this one makes sense to me and I don't live in a mobile home. That's my soapbox for the day and take it for what it is.
Sorry if I have been sounding like a PSA and trying to sell weather radios. Weather Radios are safety equipment that I find is a neccessary thing. The State of Indiana seams to agree with me. Check this link out. I am not one for a lot of regulation but this one makes sense to me and I don't live in a mobile home. That's my soapbox for the day and take it for what it is.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
WAWK is back on the air
It was not long after my post yesterday that WAWK came back. they did have a weaker signal and went off and on a few more times. There have been power outages in the area and ice storms are hard on everything. It has been a miserable few days around here and has reminded how glad I am that I run a bunch of my radios off batteries that I can keep listening even if power goes out. Luckily, power outages were not an issue for us this time around but with the weather chill being so dangerous, I am thinking of taking my weather radio with me even on errands.I have been listening to my police scanner more and paying more attention to what is coming on. I have been hearing some scary stuff the last few days. I got a feeling this is going to be a long harsh, soul sucking winter. Try to keep warm everyone and keep those radios playing.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
WAWK is off the air
One of my favorite radio stations is off the air right now. I think it is because of the ice storm that North East Indiana got hit by. I could not get it at all yesterday and all I have heard today was a few short transmissions. Hopefully I can get the full story when the station gets back on the air.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Band Sweep
I have been doing some radio listening lately. Here is a list.
Radio Japan on 6145 KHZ at midnight UTC.
1380 ESPN Radio Fort Wayne. It is one of two stations they carry Komet hockey. Link.
KXI94 on 62.425 or channel 2 on weather radio from Angola Indiana. Link
Yes it is a short list but hopefully more will come.
Radio Japan on 6145 KHZ at midnight UTC.
1380 ESPN Radio Fort Wayne. It is one of two stations they carry Komet hockey. Link.
KXI94 on 62.425 or channel 2 on weather radio from Angola Indiana. Link
Yes it is a short list but hopefully more will come.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shortwave Pirate Info
Here is another source of information on shortwave pirates. Check it out here.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Radio and DXing Bookmarks
This week's website if chuck full of links. There is no way I could cover them all well in one post so enjoy searching through the links. Look it up here.
Monday, December 8, 2008
YouTube videos on Pirate Radio
This is an old story but I thought it was still interesting to see the footage.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Band Sweep
I have been do a little listening over the last week. Mostly WAWK and WOWO. Over the past weekend I was listening to WOWO to get the Komets hockey game and I was also listening to my police scanner. You would not beleive all the accidents due to the snow. It was not a horrid snow but still hard enough that I would not blame people for wanting to stay home. People were getting into accidents that you could tell were caused by the fact that people had forgotten how to drive in snow and were driving as if the roads were dry and fine. I would laugh if it were not so serious. Do me and yourself a favor. Drive careful out there. I don't want to think you are a dumb donkey for forgetting how to drive in snow and I don't want to hear about it on the scanner so stay safe and slow down.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thanksgiving Week Listening
You would think that with a holiday weekend last week, I would have had plenty of time to do some DXing. Unfortunately that is not the way it winds up. Between friends and family, the weekend was very enjoyably used up way to early. To be honest, an NCIS DVD marathon ate up a lot of the weekend. The pains of competing interests. Maybe I can get a bit more listening in this weekend.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Radio Caroline
This is a radio station I found out from listening to WBCQ who carries some of their programming. Check out their website here.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Prime Time Shortwave
This week's website is more of a radio guide than anything else. Check it out here.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Peebles Originals
This week's website (here) is a little different from the others I have put up. Instead of being about a radio station or a website that helps with listening. This is about how to make your own radio. I have not successful put one together myself but i have been toying with the idea. I got a radio kit once and never got to debug it. Maybe it is time to try again. At least check the site out and see if you would like to build yourself a radio instead of just listening. Just one way of taking the hobby to the next level.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Band Sweep
This is not going to much of a band sweep but at least I am getting one out.Below are the station I have heard in the last couple of days.
CFZO or 740 KHZ out of Toronto. In fact , I am listening to it as I am typing up this post. It is still hard for me to get use to the new call letters. I think it will take me a while to quit calling it CHWO.
WAWK out of Kendalville, Indiana. It is on 1140 KHZ and is a daytime only station on the medium wave band.
I finally got to hear WBCQ for the first time in a while. I am glad they are still broadcasting. They have been losing suctomers to buy airtime and between that and the high price of energy, it has been hurting them big time.
I have also been listening to WOWO. I especially like listening to Komet hockey and AM coast to coast. I love listening to the tin hat crowd. I was going to put a link to WOWO's website but it is hanging something awful.
That's the band sweep for this time. Hopefully I will being sweeping the bands a bit more often and making sure I check in.
CFZO or 740 KHZ out of Toronto. In fact , I am listening to it as I am typing up this post. It is still hard for me to get use to the new call letters. I think it will take me a while to quit calling it CHWO.
WAWK out of Kendalville, Indiana. It is on 1140 KHZ and is a daytime only station on the medium wave band.
I finally got to hear WBCQ for the first time in a while. I am glad they are still broadcasting. They have been losing suctomers to buy airtime and between that and the high price of energy, it has been hurting them big time.
I have also been listening to WOWO. I especially like listening to Komet hockey and AM coast to coast. I love listening to the tin hat crowd. I was going to put a link to WOWO's website but it is hanging something awful.
That's the band sweep for this time. Hopefully I will being sweeping the bands a bit more often and making sure I check in.
Friday, November 14, 2008
CHWO has become CFZM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mediageek Radioshow
Mediageek describes itself as a weekly half-hour look at important news and issues in grassroots and independent media, along with a critical examination of our media environment I took a listen and it very interesting. Although I do disagree with the political views on this show, I do agree with his viewpoints on issues facing the media. I guess I just can't be in total sink with everyone. Check him out here.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Radio Netherlands
I have not been hearing Radio Netherlands on the radio lately and found out why. They have abandoned the English service to North America. Although I am not the most regular listener, I did like tuning in quite often. I am going to miss listening to them. They still have podcasts I can listen to. Even though this is enjoyable, it is not quit the same as the magic of listening to short wave radio. Other than writing them to ask for it back, I don't know much taht I can do to get the station back.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Goddesss Irene 1
Goddess Irene 1 is one the people who has a show on WBCQ. Her website is here. Check the website and her show for showing defintely different.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Band Sweep
I have been thinking about an idea for a while and don't have it totally gelled in my mind yet. I was thinking about reporting into the blog with the stations and programs I have been hearing. I have been doing this sort of for a while but I was thinking of making it more a feature. I do not know what form it will be in or how regular but I will see how it will unfold. If anyone reading this has any ideas of what would be interesting or helpful, please leave a comment on the blog. Yes, I moderate the comments on this blog but I have not turned down a comment yet but I reserve the right to. I won't make any promises about using any suggestions other than I will think them over.
So far I was thinking of making this feature an online log of all the shows and station I have heard with all the times and frequencies I can get. I will get websites if I can. It probably wqon't be weekly be hopefully more than monthly. We shall see what comes of this.
So far I was thinking of making this feature an online log of all the shows and station I have heard with all the times and frequencies I can get. I will get websites if I can. It probably wqon't be weekly be hopefully more than monthly. We shall see what comes of this.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Lost Disc Radio
I was just listening to a podcast version of Allen Weiner Worldwide and found out that the Lost Disc Radio show is going to take a winter hiatus. That's a shame. I really enjoyed their show and have several of their QSLs. I hope they are able to get things together and get back on the air.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Blog
I realized this blog turned a year old on the 16th of this month. It has improved some and there are some things I still want to work on to make it better. I have an idea that will probably be coming out soon as I can get the format I want for it down. This blog is going to be alwasy a work in progress to make better. So happy belated birthday blog and let us see how long I can keep it going.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Radio Netherlands QSL

I got this QSL in the mail during this last week. I don't always upload the QSLs in any particvular order or when I get them but I loved the picture on this one so much I wanted to bump this one to the head of the line for being posted. And if you are wondering, I do use the scheduled post feature to insure the posts come off on a regular basis. I am not so wooried about the time of day being consistant but the Weekly Website and QSLs post are on the same day each week. Just FYI, if you have not noticed.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Novel use of the Davinci code
I was running through some blogs and came across a funny yet practical use of the book, The DaVinci Code, by Dan Brown. The book was used as insulation to thermally stabilize a transmitter. To see pictures and get more detail check out this link.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This Week in Amateur Radio
This week in Amateur Radio is an excellent radio program. The only reason I am not listening to it more is that I got busy and bad reception interfered. I did notice they have it online as mp3 that I may have to start listening to. Their website is here.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My Grundig
I am really glad that the model of Grundig I got can run off two types of batteries. I ran out of the D cell batteries I usually run it on and only have AA batteries. Fortunately I can run it off either size. Phew! Not the getting batteries is that big of a deal but I hate shopping for one or two items and I really did not want to wait to go portable with the radio.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Shortwave Central
Shortwave Central is another blog about shortwave listening. The link is here. They have some good information so check them out.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pirates Week Podcast
I have found a website about Pirate Radio . It is here. I have not fully checked it out but will give you more info on it as I get a chance.
I have since checked it out and it is an interesting well put together podcast. I will have to put this into the mix I listen to.
I have since checked it out and it is an interesting well put together podcast. I will have to put this into the mix I listen to.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Funny Dedication
I was listening to Scott Pawl today and he started his show off by dedicating the show to the person who tail gated him in from Rome City to Kendalville today. I hate driver's like that and understand completely his frustration with the person
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Challenges for the Shack
It has been a challenge listening to the my radios the way I want. Between some really non stellar listening conditions and wanting to listen to podcasts and audio books. it does not leave much time to scan the airwaves. I guess i am my own worse enemy on this one and it is going to get worse come October when the Komets come back onto the radio for hockey season. Even if these were not in place, there is always the challenge of getting the time or at least the prioirty to sweep through the bands. Even if I am listening, sometimes I get into the rut of listening to the same half dozen shows. That isn't all bad. I really like those shows but it is at the cost of finding out what else is out there. This, i think is the eternal struggle of any hobby. Where do you actually focus your resources on? And if you have more than one hobby. the problem only grows exponetially.
Hams Help during Hurricane
I have been hearing reports of Hams helping out during Ike. Not a surprise because that is the stuff hams do. Kinda makes me want to go after a ham license. I keep on saying that but i never quite get around to putting the resources around it. I applaud those of you that do. For now, i stand on teh sidelines and ponder. As usual.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
ARRL Website
The ARRL has been a backbone for the radio community for a long time. Their website is here.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Listening to the Police Scanner
I originally got a police scanner as a way to get more information on the weather around here and hear the local news a bit faster. Some could say I am nosy but I am not going to go there. I have gotten that and a whole lot more. I enjoy hearing from the county airport and the trains going through town. I also get to hear about people's woes and dumb things that they have done and the law needs to get involved. There are some cases where I am wondering if the gene pool should not have been chlorinated a bit sooner. It is an interesting world out there.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Phil's Old Radios
This week's website is for the love of old radios and the building of radios. It has some colle ideas and projects to build. Check this one out.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Politics on the Radio
It is starting to get interesting listening to the radio as the Presidential Election gets closer. Shows that usually are not about politics start focusing more and more on it. What really drew my attention to this was listening to WBCQ over the weekend. Allen Weiner was really hot about topics on Friday ngiht it got discussed for a little while the next night on Timtron Worldwide. It was great getting various points of view and candor on the topics. Better and worse points were made Although I disagreed with some and did not approve of all of the candor, the discussion was appreciated. I guess that is why I don't want to have an fair and biased and media. I want those I listen to to have a viewpoint and be honest about it. Let me the listener judge if they agree or not based on the facts they present. I don't think that is much to ask for.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Happy Birthday WBCQ
Ten years ago today, WBCQ officially went on the air for the first time with the show Allen Weiner World Wide. I do not exactly remember when I first started listening to them but the more I listen, the more I think it was close to the beginning or at least with8in the first couple of years. The hard part was that I was off and on listening to shortwave that it is hard to pin it down. I have been going for QSL fairly regularly since 2005 and been listening off and on to shortwave since before I was married. But anyway, I am getting off track. Happy Birthday, WBCQ.
Friday, September 5, 2008
RCI's 40th Anniversary QSL
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I have been repeatedly hearings about woes at WBCQ. Between losing paying programmers and the rising costs of energy, they have been really feeling the pinch. I have notice their transmissions getting shorter and weaker. I have heard they are trying cost cutting options. I really hope they can bring it together and keep the station on the air. I have enjoyed their programming for years and would miss them. I will I was in a spot to help out but that is not in the cards right now. Seams a bit hollow but there it is.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Solder Smoke Blog
Saturday, August 30, 2008
WOWO Blunder
WOWO radio in Fort Wayne is the local news and talk station. One would expect that a news and talk station would air Barrack Obama's acceptance speech for becoming the Democrat candidate. You would be sorrily wrong. Instead, they aired a preseason game and post game show of the Indianapolis Colts. I realize that football is important to a lot of people but I think do election coverage is a bit more important and there was other outlets for the speech in the Fort Wayne area. The problem being that they are still a news station and that was more important than sports coverage. Maybe I should shut up and just follow the dollars. WOWO seams to.
PS I am not an Obama supporter and I still wanted to hear what he has to say. I want to be an informed voter and WOWO failed the process.
PS I am not an Obama supporter and I still wanted to hear what he has to say. I want to be an informed voter and WOWO failed the process.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Radio Sweden QSL and Schedule
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Ontario DX Association
Ontario DX Association is a neat dx group that has their own website and also manages reception reports and QSL's for a couple of stations. One of them is for 740 AM out of Toronto. Earlier this year they had a special QSL that I did a couple on posts on. Check out their site and see what they have to help out your listening pleasure.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Theatre of the Mind
Am 740 out o f Toronto has a show on nightly at 10 PM Eastern time called Theater of the Mind. It is the playing of old radio shows and is interesting to see how these shows reflect the times they were aired. They are entertaining on their own merit but the dated quality of the content is interesting. It is on the air Monday through Thursday. Check it out if you can.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Lost Disc Radio Show
The Lost Disc Radio Show is a show on WBCQ on Saturday Night's at 10 PM EST. (0200 UTC Sunday UTC). It is a music show with obscure and b side songs that should have remained lost. The only catch is most of the songs are so bad that they are good. It is a fun show that I wish I could hear more often than I tune in. I guess that is my constant challenge is to get the time to listen as I want. Oh well. Tuene this show in and check out their website.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Good Friends Radio QSL
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Been Listening Lately
I have been on the go lately. I went to the Midwest Geobash. They have had a low power transmitter to do on on site radio station in the past. They did not this year.
I was also visiting some friends in Lebanon, Indiana, I got to hear WBCQ our of Maine and 740 out of Toronto. It is nice to hear stations that seam like old friends while out on the road. They both came in from fair to good and it seams like reception is getting better. I heard one report that solar activity is on its way better and we should be seeing an upturn in better reception this fall. I really hope so. It has been sucky for a while.
I was also visiting some friends in Lebanon, Indiana, I got to hear WBCQ our of Maine and 740 out of Toronto. It is nice to hear stations that seam like old friends while out on the road. They both came in from fair to good and it seams like reception is getting better. I heard one report that solar activity is on its way better and we should be seeing an upturn in better reception this fall. I really hope so. It has been sucky for a while.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mation's Attic
Marion's Attic is a show I listen to on WBCQ although it can be heard on skybird radio. It focuses on old recordings from the 1890's to the 1930's. It is an interesting shortwave show and it also has it's own website to find out more about them. Tuen them in and enjoy!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
NHK Website
NHK's website is the website for Japan's shortwave station. It has news, podcasts, shortwave schedules and lessons to learn Japanese on it. Good place to get information on Japan and learn the when and where of how to listen to Radio Japan. Tune on in.
Monday, August 4, 2008
CHWO changing call letters
It sounds like CHWO AM 740 out of Toronto is changing its call letters. There is some scuttle butt there is going to be some big changes at the station as well. WE will see. I don't have much information so far.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dxing on the road
Again I got to do some short wave listening on the road. Not in the car like I have before but away from home. It is always neat to me to hear familar station as well as hearing ones I don't here at home. I got to hear Radio Netherlands in Lebanon Indiana. The only disappointing thing is that I did not bring my main radio so it was not a perfect comparison.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I have been looking online for more sources of dx information and have found hard-core-dx.com. They have several areas of information including schedules, pirates and many, many others. They have an email news service that I am checking and will probably report back on. Don't let this blog fool you and I doubt it is, I am still on a learning curve with this dx thing and this is just describing the journey.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Marion's Attic Music Box Edition
I was listening to Marion's Attic last night on WBCQ (7415 KHZ) from Monticello, Maine. It was a neat and different program than she usually does. Instead of doing old records like she ususally does, she was playing music box pieces. They were not the small music box pieces that you think of with jewelry boxes but with 15 inch plates to play. The tone of it made every piece sound like it was a fantasy piece- really light and airy. The show runs from 9 to 10 on Saturday night but i still was too tired from the day to stay up for the last. That was a shame because it was a great show. Maybe I can catch the whole thing if it gets rerun as they sometimes do.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I came across a website I have not run across before and it is dxing.com. It has a lot of information about radio listening including about antennas, pirate radio, police scanners and other things to get you in the dxing hobby. Hopefully i can get some time to look closer and make good use of the information there.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Listening To CHWO
Yesterday's article reminded me of listening to CHWO (740 AM) from Toronto except in reverse. CHWO is a 24/7 station but due to its distance from me, I can only hear it starting about 30-40 minutes after dark depending on conditions. It makes it kinda odd that WAWK, a local daytime medium station cuts off usually before sunset and then a bit after sunset, Toronto starts propagating. It is weird. I lose WAWK so it does not going farther and interfering with another station but with Toronto, I start getting it because it si on a clearer frequency. One o fthe neat things about DXing.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
WAWK Scheduling of Broadcasts
This week has reminded mer on how WAWK's broadcasting changes with the seasons. This is the Week of the Noble County Fair and is the only week where they have live programming for the full week in the evening. It is usually prerecorded music. Before I go further, i should also say they are a daytime only AM station. Usually their only live evening programs are on the weekend. This is also not true for the year for during winter they usually sign off about 5 or 5:30 PM. This usually means that the prerecorded stuff is also gone during the winter. You can usually tell if it is prerecorded by the way they sign the station off. If, it is a live broadcast, they say say they are going off and play the national anthem. If it is on auto pilot, it justs goes off the air and a lot of times, it does so in the middle of a song. Makes for some interesting listening sometimes.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Solar Activity
With the low solar activity putting shortwave listening into the dumpster. there is a site where you can track solar activity. Check it out here.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Scheduled Posts
I have been working on getting ahead of posts. My apologies if they are spartan and short for a while. I am hoping to get enough ahead on them that I can not only have a nice cushion on them and but also improve the quality of the posts as well. I am also hoping that getting ahead will get me in the position of actually reporting in on what I have been listening to.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
World Radio TV Handbook
The World Radio TV handbook is a handy book listing radio and TV stations around the world. It can give you a hand up in your search for stations to listen to. Its website is here. It may not fit a need in your shack but it is a recommended get. It is an annual publication and even though I have have gotten a lot of the the few copies I have gotten, I do not get it every year.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Fourth of July Reception Report
I did a smattering of listening to as much as I could of everything this weekend. As usual, it was not enough. I did hear of a neighbor dispute and a gun shot going off during the fireworks. I don't think it was related. Some kids playing on the frs band. There was a good deal of private airplane traffic on the fourth which is to be expected with a holiday with just about perfect weather. There was patriotic music and references made all weekend as well as the reporting of all the local celebrations on medium wave. I also got to listen to lost disc radio for the first time in a long time. That reminds me I need to do a qsl before I forget. Until I report back.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuning in the Fourth of July
Tomorrow will be the Fourth of July and I will be turning on the radios. I will be listening to the police scanner for reports on the fair and the fireworks coordination. I will also be listening for all the bad boys and girls who will be stupid with their own fireworks. I will also be monitoring mw, fm and shortwave for any special programming I hear. Hopefully between the listening and enjoying of the fourth of July celebrations I can take enough mental notes to report anything interesting I hear over the weekend. Until then.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Glen Hauser's World of Radio
I first heard of Glen Hauser and his world of radio on WBCQ on their 7415 KHZ frequency. I have since found his website. It is an informative and interesting show although more dry than some of the shows I have heard. It s focus is more dry because it aims at information rather than strictly entertainment. It is a good place to hear news in the shortwave arena. Check it out and judge for yourself.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ok I am addicted
I went to Cincinnati for the weekend for a friend's wedding. I was going to leave the radios at home but wound up taking too along anyway. That is so pathetic but in my defense one of them was a police scanner with weather radio so I could keep up with the weather this weekend. I guess I am doomed to never being fully away from the shack.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Japan QSL
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
NOAA Same Codes
This is the first of a new series for this blog called the weekly website. It is going to be different websites related to radio listening. Since it is summer storm season I thought I would post the site for NOAA's Same Codes. Man are those handy. For those of you who do not know about them, them allow the alarm on your weather radio to go off for only those counties you desire. That is so nice especially when there is a storm coming in during the middle of the night and only those that affect you are going to go off. Talk about irritating to be woken up for a storm that isn't going affect you.The site is here.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Scheduled Topics
Doing the scheduled delayed post was a big success and easy to do. It has given me the idea of changing how I do this blog. I have been doing irregular posting schedule and been leaning too hard on posting QSL posts. I have no problem doing the QSL posts but I think I will be putting them on a weekly schedule so they can be spaced out more and still have content coming in on a regular basis. I was figuring that if I do a QSL of the week and maybe a shortwave listening related website of the week and the rest will be my experiences while listening then it will improve the quality of the blog. We will see how this goes as this blog is and probably always will be an experiment in how to blog. Hopefully there will always be improvement and room to improve.
Budapest Hungary QSL

I got this QSl in February of 2005. I have been trying to get QSL's from several differnt areas but it is so easy to get in a rut of hitting the same old stations. It does not help when recption is poor but that is a dead horse that I am whipping.
This blog post is also a test. I just noticed that blogger allows for time delayed posting so I am going to try it out so I don't have to have holes when I get busy or wait if I have a good idea. I I get ahead on this and have have the computer put them out at intervals. I am testing this out for myself to see how easy it is. I am not always the top at getting this online thing but I try.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Vatican City Radio QSL

This QSL I found interesting to see the Poe, and I think St Peter's Basilica and a radio tower all in the same shot. The Radio Tower makes for a weird combo of elements that you would think you should not bre seeing which makes for the interest. I found out that I could hear Radio Vatican as I was listening to Voice or Russia and found out their transmissions were relayed by Vatican City Radio. Another bit of weirdness at first but since a lot of shortwave broadcasters relay for others, it makes total sense.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Radio Prague QSL
Saturday, June 14, 2008
RCI's Latest Schedule
I am being a bit slow on this but I just got to look at Radio Canada Internationale's latest schedule and was disappointed by the lack of English Content compared to the French Content. I realize Canada is bilingual but considering how many more English speakers there are who would like some Canadian content. The poor reception quality does not help either. I think the poor reception is the rel culprit for this grump since it has made hearing some of my favorite shortwave stations either hard or impossible to hear. Hopefully the sunspots will rise and reception will improve.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Propagating Information
This may not necessarily belong in this blog but I think it might since it does deal with the spreading of information with technology. My wife broke her leg and I used email, blog and links to forums I hang out to spread the news. I also use statcounter.com to track the hits. It was interesting to see how this spreading of information affected that stats of the blog. I think it was a success in sharing information in a hurry just by the stats I was seeing. I should enquer how people liked this method of information sharing. In any case, the nerd in me found this fascinating.
Radio Sweden QSL
Saturday, June 7, 2008
WBCQ Friday Night Line up
I got to listen to WBCQ's line up last night. I started listening to Blue Grass State of Mind. I always did like bluegrass. The crew from Lumpy Gravy radio show was filling in for Jenny with her 867-5309 show. They try to be this drug culture music show and I got a feeling most of it is show. They place generally good music and go from the weird to the funny and are mostly enjoyable good programming. Allen Weiner World Wide came on next. That one is a talk show and is a loose show on topics of radio and how WBCQ is going. They have lost two major programmers. Good Friends Radio and the Christian Media went on to other grounds. Good Friends has some good programming but Christian Media is one I am not going to miss. I am Christian but i have never been a big fan of religious programming. I have to wade through too much to fin d something good. I can see there is some stuff that is good but I am not in the target audience of the show so it really is not as relevant to me. The signal started off poor but got steadily better and last night's storm did not interfere too badly.
I also remembered to stay on a bit later and tune into Radio Sweden on 6010 KHZ. I missed hearing them. I really need to listen to the shack more often.
Until later.
I also remembered to stay on a bit later and tune into Radio Sweden on 6010 KHZ. I missed hearing them. I really need to listen to the shack more often.
Until later.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Making Lemonade
Looks like a lot of our usually outdoor activities are going on hold this summer. The price of gas was already going to limit our travels this summer. We like to go hiking on local trails and that is out due to my wife's injury. Looks like the shack is going to serve a more important role for entertainment this summer. Hopefully I can also get the time to do regular and a better quality of posting here. So cheers to trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Kim broke her ankle

It has been an interesting two days. We had a Memorial day weekend over at our place on .Sunday. We had just opened the pool and Kim did the first cannon ball of the season and landed on the bottom of th pool wrong. She ended up brreaking her leg and there was a 14 mm (over half an inch separation of the bone. Needless to say, I have not been listening to much radio lately but did add to the scanner traffic.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Radio Netherlands E-mail Newsletter
Radio Netherlands has an email newsletter and below is a copy of one with information on how to get it. Enjoy!
Radio Netherlands Worldwide PROGRAMME PREVIEW Saturday 24 May - Friday 30 May
Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.
*** The State We're In ***
This week on the show that looks at how we treat each other we're focusing on the growing trend in corporate philanthropy - companies, or rich individuals, giving money to help others. And we're not talking bake sales - we're talking canapés, cocktails and celebrities. So we go to the Global Philanthropy Forum to meet some of the charities vying for the billions at stake. Plus we speak with the GPF's head Jane Wales, who tells us why giving has become de rigueur for, in particular, the IT jet set.
We look at the right to sex and talk to the Dutch organisation that arranges 'sex care givers' for the disabled and learn that the word 'gig' in Thai means 'friendship with benefits'.
And getting back to philanthropy, but on a smaller scale, we talk about Kiva.org, the site where you can loan as little as 25 US dollars to a perspective entrepreneur in the developing world. We meet an American lender and the Ugandan woman who took the money, started a clothing retail business and, in contrast to the system of charity and grants, is now paying the cash back so it can be loaned to someone else.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1006 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1406 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Network Europe Week ***
A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters
A pan-European team links up across the continent to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of Network Europe Week satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:
Curious Orange: 1530 (South Asia 9345, 12080, 15595)
Bridges with Africa:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Network Europe Extra ***
Arts and Culture brought to you from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1005 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1405 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Reloaded ***
Your chance to catch up with some of the highlights from recent programmes; the best, the most interesting or newsworthy, or sometimes the funniest, chosen by our producers and presented by Mindy Ran.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
Note that on Sunday we also run:
The State We're In:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Curious Orange ***
This week on Curious Orange: leaving the Lowlands. More and more Native Dutch are leaving Holland - we'll find out where they're going and why.
And, Arts & Culture editor Philip Smet will tell us about 'gevelstenen' - it doesn't really translate, so you'll just have to tune in to find out what they are!
Also, Perro de Jong will be in with his critical eye. And, as always, we'll feature a little Dutch music. This week we'll hear from the gypsy orchestra Zigeunerorkest Servus.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
15:30 1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Monday we also run:
Network Europe Extra followed by Reloaded:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
Bridges with Africa followed by Radio Books:
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***
This week on the show that looks at how we treat each other we're focusing on the growing trend in corporate philanthropy - companies, or rich individuals, giving money to help others. And we're not talking bake sales - we're talking canapés, cocktails and celebrities. So we go to the Global Philanthropy Forum to meet some of the charities vying for the billions at stake. Plus we speak with the GPF's head Jane Wales, who tells us why giving has become de rigueur for, in particular, the IT jet set.
We look at the right to sex and talk to the Dutch organisation that arranges 'sex care givers' for the disabled and learn that the word 'gig' in Thai means 'friendship with benefits'.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
Note that on Tuesday we also run:
Bridges with Africa:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Curious Orange:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Radio Books ***
Earlier this year Radio Books invited you to send in entries for its short story competition. Almost 70 arrived from as far afield as New Zealand, Bangladesh, China and the US. Over the next few weeks the five winning entries will be broadcast together with an interview with the author.
This week the overall winner will be announced and his powerful winning entry is sure to leave you listening to the last breath.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Wednesday we also run:
Curious Orange:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
The State We're In Midweek Edition:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Earthbeat ***
'Two women'
Host Dheera Sujan replays interviews with two of the most inspiring women she's met - they live in separate parts of the world, yet they have much in common. Both have given up their middle class lives of relative luxury to live in rural areas to help the children most in need. Every day, they look starvation and misery in the face and dedicate their lives to helping people combat them. Both have an endless capacity for love and despite daily proof of the contrary, both continue to believe that it is love that will in the end, conquer all.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Thursday we also run:
Network Europe Extra:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Radio Books:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Network Europe ***
A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.
The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0030 (Eastern N America 6165)
0130 (Central N America 6165)
0530 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
2000 (East Africa 11805, 12050, West Africa 17810, Central/Southern Africa 7120)
*** Bridges with Africa ***
This week on Bridges with Africa we see how South Africa's children orphaned by hiv/aids deal with this trauma.
We compare Africa's development over the past half century with Asia.
We conclude our interview series with the woman who set out to answer the question: what has happened to Robert Mugabe?
And we have more about the ups and downs of the annual jazz festival in St. Louis (Senegal).
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Friday we also run:
Radio Books:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
For more information on tuning in via radio, satellite and the internet, visit here.
Enews is here.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide PROGRAMME PREVIEW Saturday 24 May - Friday 30 May
Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.
*** The State We're In ***
This week on the show that looks at how we treat each other we're focusing on the growing trend in corporate philanthropy - companies, or rich individuals, giving money to help others. And we're not talking bake sales - we're talking canapés, cocktails and celebrities. So we go to the Global Philanthropy Forum to meet some of the charities vying for the billions at stake. Plus we speak with the GPF's head Jane Wales, who tells us why giving has become de rigueur for, in particular, the IT jet set.
We look at the right to sex and talk to the Dutch organisation that arranges 'sex care givers' for the disabled and learn that the word 'gig' in Thai means 'friendship with benefits'.
And getting back to philanthropy, but on a smaller scale, we talk about Kiva.org, the site where you can loan as little as 25 US dollars to a perspective entrepreneur in the developing world. We meet an American lender and the Ugandan woman who took the money, started a clothing retail business and, in contrast to the system of charity and grants, is now paying the cash back so it can be loaned to someone else.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1006 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1406 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Network Europe Week ***
A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters
A pan-European team links up across the continent to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of Network Europe Week satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:
Curious Orange: 1530 (South Asia 9345, 12080, 15595)
Bridges with Africa:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Network Europe Extra ***
Arts and Culture brought to you from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1005 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1405 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Reloaded ***
Your chance to catch up with some of the highlights from recent programmes; the best, the most interesting or newsworthy, or sometimes the funniest, chosen by our producers and presented by Mindy Ran.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
Note that on Sunday we also run:
The State We're In:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Curious Orange ***
This week on Curious Orange: leaving the Lowlands. More and more Native Dutch are leaving Holland - we'll find out where they're going and why.
And, Arts & Culture editor Philip Smet will tell us about 'gevelstenen' - it doesn't really translate, so you'll just have to tune in to find out what they are!
Also, Perro de Jong will be in with his critical eye. And, as always, we'll feature a little Dutch music. This week we'll hear from the gypsy orchestra Zigeunerorkest Servus.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
15:30 1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Monday we also run:
Network Europe Extra followed by Reloaded:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
Bridges with Africa followed by Radio Books:
0400 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***
This week on the show that looks at how we treat each other we're focusing on the growing trend in corporate philanthropy - companies, or rich individuals, giving money to help others. And we're not talking bake sales - we're talking canapés, cocktails and celebrities. So we go to the Global Philanthropy Forum to meet some of the charities vying for the billions at stake. Plus we speak with the GPF's head Jane Wales, who tells us why giving has become de rigueur for, in particular, the IT jet set.
We look at the right to sex and talk to the Dutch organisation that arranges 'sex care givers' for the disabled and learn that the word 'gig' in Thai means 'friendship with benefits'.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
Note that on Tuesday we also run:
Bridges with Africa:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Curious Orange:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Radio Books ***
Earlier this year Radio Books invited you to send in entries for its short story competition. Almost 70 arrived from as far afield as New Zealand, Bangladesh, China and the US. Over the next few weeks the five winning entries will be broadcast together with an interview with the author.
This week the overall winner will be announced and his powerful winning entry is sure to leave you listening to the last breath.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Wednesday we also run:
Curious Orange:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
The State We're In Midweek Edition:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Earthbeat ***
'Two women'
Host Dheera Sujan replays interviews with two of the most inspiring women she's met - they live in separate parts of the world, yet they have much in common. Both have given up their middle class lives of relative luxury to live in rural areas to help the children most in need. Every day, they look starvation and misery in the face and dedicate their lives to helping people combat them. Both have an endless capacity for love and despite daily proof of the contrary, both continue to believe that it is love that will in the end, conquer all.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Thursday we also run:
Network Europe Extra:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Radio Books:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
*** Network Europe ***
A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.
The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0030 (Eastern N America 6165)
0130 (Central N America 6165)
0530 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
2000 (East Africa 11805, 12050, West Africa 17810, Central/Southern Africa 7120)
*** Bridges with Africa ***
This week on Bridges with Africa we see how South Africa's children orphaned by hiv/aids deal with this trauma.
We compare Africa's development over the past half century with Asia.
We conclude our interview series with the woman who set out to answer the question: what has happened to Robert Mugabe?
And we have more about the ups and downs of the annual jazz festival in St. Louis (Senegal).
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Note that on Friday we also run:
Radio Books:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
For more information on tuning in via radio, satellite and the internet, visit here.
Enews is here.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Checker Board Lounge

This show was on WBCQ for a while. They played some excellent, gritty blues. I absolutely loved their selections and was saddened when I found out it was not being continued and lived a far too short of a life. At least I got a QSL as a reminder and enjoyed some really good blues. i think there are archives of it on wbcq if I remember right.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Swedish QSL
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Back in the Saddle
For the first time in a while, I had two full evenings of shortwave. It was almost entire WBCQ but it felt like visiting home. Listened to Bluegrass State of Mind, 867-5309, Allen Weiner Worldwide, Timtron and Marion's Attic. What a collection of good music, humor and generally weird stuff (not to forget the red stuff that Timtron drinks). I got a new shortwave that seams to be working out really good. I will give a review on it later. I am kinda proud of the fact that I have the scanner going on in the background. It has been too long since I have listened to that and storm season is warming up.There are things I need to learn to get more out of that unit.
I had to laugh when I canceled the satellite tv a month ago. The rep asked what were we going to do about tv, I felt like asking him if he knew about over the air tv and that there are other medias other than the one eyed mind sucking monster called tv. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy tv but it is no where near the only show in town. Between the internet, radio, and my mp3 player, plus all the other things both necessary and fun, i don't miss having the tv on most days. I still watch some but it is increasingly little.
I had to laugh when I canceled the satellite tv a month ago. The rep asked what were we going to do about tv, I felt like asking him if he knew about over the air tv and that there are other medias other than the one eyed mind sucking monster called tv. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy tv but it is no where near the only show in town. Between the internet, radio, and my mp3 player, plus all the other things both necessary and fun, i don't miss having the tv on most days. I still watch some but it is increasingly little.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Vatican Radio QSL

I thought it was weird how I started getting QSL's from Vatican Radio. I had noticed that some of the Voice of Russia transmissions I was getting were via the Vatican City transmitters so I thought to look up Vatican Radio's schedule to hear them since I was hearing their transmitters. Piece of cake and got this QSL and one other from them. Hopefully in a future post I will put up the other one.
The Shack has gone partially deaf
Carp! One of my shortwave receivers is down. Definitely a bummer and worse than being bogged by other priorities instead of listening in the shack. I will see what I can do to get back up and running.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
C. Crane FM Transmitter
I don't know if this really belongs in this blog but it has to do with broadcast so I will throw it in. I got a C. Crane FM transmitter for Christmas. This weekend I got to field test it on a road trip to just south of Chicago, Illinois from just north of Fort Wayne, Indiana. I got some interesting results. First of all, overall, it worked really well. Second, I noticed that when I was going past semi trucks, I would get some interference. My guess is that it was from their satellite radio system but I could very much be wrong. The model I have has full spectrum broadcast sweep so that helped take out the interference. The only big downside was that when we got near enough to Chicago with all their station, it was hard to find a clear channel to listen on. Annoying and as disappointing as that is, it worked for most of the trip flawlessly. Not to disregard the weakness to much but I was not too upset by the way it functions. It is usually in the open areas and not the city centers where I would be using this the most with my mp3 player. In the population centers, I would be wanting to get the local radio more. Not perfect but at least for me, it works with how I want to use it.
Monday, April 28, 2008
I just realized how long it has been since I have posted anything here. Looks Like I am going to need to make a routine out of putting stuff. Here uis to at least trying.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Voice of Russia QSL

I sent away for a QSL from voice of Russia. I got the ST Petersburg one which is a repeat but that is ok. I also got a 1008 calender which is neat. They are pictures above. I always appreciate QSL's and the work that goes into them. The stations don't have to do this this but it is appreciated at least by me. Hopefully I can get into a routine of putting my favorites up here. I have been not very good at getting into a routine of blogging from my shack. I think that will always be a bane of mine.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I have been suffering from discractitis. I have been meaning to add something really good to the blog but I have been distracted. I have been meaning to do some more QSL's but I been distracted. this is not limited to dxing but can affect my listening just like it can affect anything else in life. I have been toying with doing a post at a certain time every week just so this blog can have something new on a regular basis but have been fighting it because I amy or may not having anything to say at that time. However, getting something to write and the time to write to come together has been escaping me for a while. I should not be complaining too much, reception is getting better and I have been doing some listening. Maybe it is time just to do and worry about how it all works out later.Easter is this week so maybe after that distraction is over, I can get things on a scedule and go for it.I will endeavor ot do better.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Reception Report
I am starting to get encouraged. I was listening to WBCQ last night on the short wave and getting the best reception I have gotten for a while. I have also noticed that VOR has also been getting stronger. It is weird, for the first time that I can remember, I am looking forward to summer and getting better reception. I am getting the feeling that the solar minimum is the cause and that there is not enough of the solar influence going onto get a good signal through and the longer summer days wills actually be helping. I might be totally off and if someone in the know can correct, please leave a comment. Heck, if someone in the know can help with this speculation in any way, then leave a comment. All I know is tha I think it is weird that we are going into spring and the reception is getting better. Winter is traditional been the best listening and that is not holding at my shack right now. Even some of the medium wave dxing I have been doing has been weird. We will see how it goes, I am definately waiting for better listening.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Shortwave listening has not been that stellar lately. This week I realize how much I had been in withdrawal from some of my favorite shows. I went looking for the mp3 equivalents and found them. Sucked through a bunch of them. I have been using the mp3 player to supplement my listening and realizing how great of a tool it it. It is nice to have some of the programs on mp3 so I don't always have to make the choice between shows or another activity and listening. I try to keep it balanced but so much of life seams to either have nothing going or have two or things slotted for the same time. This at least takes some of the pressure of. There is no getting it all. At least I am listening to the theme to Zorba the Greek from am 740 in Toronto while doing this blog. The weird thing is I have it on the radio in the bedroom and on the computer in the living room. Duel feed, no waiting.
Ok my head head just exploded. Zorba the Greek theme was done by Herb albert and the Tia wana Brass.
Ok my head head just exploded. Zorba the Greek theme was done by Herb albert and the Tia wana Brass.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I have been listening to the airwaves lately. Picked up Voice of Russia and got enough to go for a QSL. That's good. I have not been picking them up the best for a while. I also have not been going for QSL's as regularly as I have in the past. It is not a big concern. My listening goes up and down and it is the listening and not the QSL's that is the heart of the hobby for me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the QSL's they are a great record of what I have listened to. The point is to listen. The point of the QSL is the thanks you for the reception report. It helps make it a two way communication. I also appreciate it when the QSL managers do an email that the QSL is on its way. They don't have to but it is nice to get a confirmation.
Besides, this is very much a solitary hobby. I may have my wife with me but it is still my hobby and I am doing basically alone. It is nice to hear from someone else concerning the hobby. Sometimes, I think I need to get on the ham side of things so I can share the hobby with someone else. Maybe i need to get on some shortwave forums. There has got to be some. There are forums for anything anymore. The internet is full of people who want to share their views on everything which may go a long way to explain this blog.
Until later.
Besides, this is very much a solitary hobby. I may have my wife with me but it is still my hobby and I am doing basically alone. It is nice to hear from someone else concerning the hobby. Sometimes, I think I need to get on the ham side of things so I can share the hobby with someone else. Maybe i need to get on some shortwave forums. There has got to be some. There are forums for anything anymore. The internet is full of people who want to share their views on everything which may go a long way to explain this blog.
Until later.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
CHWO-AM 740 Special QSL

The top picture is that of the QSL for the station done by ODXA. The second is a thank you from the station for participation in the QSL challenge. The side bar picture is of the bookmarks they sent along. In addition they sent along a nice history of the station. Some of the informations in this history is that the station started out on 1250 KHZ and was the power was 1,000/500 in 1956. In 1979 the power was increased to 10,000/5,000 and finally in 2001 it changed over to 740 KHZ and increased to 50,000. Sure comes in nice when you live away from the station.
If you want to know more about the station or where to get a QSL of the station, check out the following websites.
AM740 website www.am740.ca
reception reports www.odxa.on.ca/chwo.html
AM 740 Yahoo!group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AM74/
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